"One love is the light, shining over every mountaintop;
it will lead us to the higher ground"

Happy Valentine’s Day everybody! I hope that no matter what, no matter where you are, love is present in your lives today.

In the last few months, I’ve fallen in love with the versatile voice of the Rock Queen Pat Benatar! This song, one of her singles from her 1988 album “Wide Awake in Dreamland”, is an epic power ballad for the ages. “One Love” combines tender words with her powerhouse vocals.

Lyrics courtesy of AZLyrics.

Once there was a man, and he lived to sing the lion's song
As he traveled on the road of hope
One love is the light, shining over every mountaintop
It will lead us to the higher ground
One day every heart will beat strong against the night
Let it be done right now

Once there was a man, and his words became a song of love
And his song became the golden dream
One love is the light, shining over everyone that believes
It will lead us to the higher ground
One day every eye will see truth before the light
Let it be done right now

Some wait, so long
Because our love is strong
This hard road traveled on
Will lead us home, forever

Hear the lion's song, voices cryin' like a desert wind
Yeah he's gone unto his father's land
Afrika tonight, for we truly are one in our hearts
Colors woven in the golden dream

One day every eye will see truth before the light
Let it be done right now
One day every voice will speak strong against the night
Let us be one right now
So let it be

We are the children of a thousand days
We are the people of the hard rain
We are the children of a thousand days
We are the people of the hard rain
We are the people of the hard rain

My love for this song has grown so much that I ensure I listen to it every morning before I leave for work. It’s so uplifting and inspiring! Not to mention, this is such a soothing song to listen to while we continue to combat COVID-19 and all of the pain we’ve dealt with since the pandemic began.

It’s possible that Pat Benatar was inspired by faith when she wrote this song. Hearing the lyrics “one day every eye will see” reminded me of this Bible verse:

For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

1 Corinthians 13:12

One day, we will all know God’s truth for ourselves, and everything will be made clear. For now, our goal is to love one another like He loves us, so that we may all be united in “one love”.